Are All Probiotics The Same?
Posted on03 Sep 2019
- (Lactomin, Lactokids and Lactocran are all multi strain probiotics, specially formulated for specific purposes from helping to relieve stomach upset to urinary tract infection. The strains are not only enteric coated for protection, but are double protected with another protection over enteric coating, called Noltec protection. This is why if you were to take Lactomin, Lactokids when you have a stomach upset, you can see the positive results after a few sachets. It also goes the same for Lactocran for UTI with its recommened dosage for a period of time to help relieve UTI.)
Probiotics only help with digestive issues. So, not true. Thanks to research, we are learning more about its benefits. Dr. Celik says: “Many people with gut issues opt for a probiotic supplement to reduce bloating, treat constipation, and support healthier digestion. However, research supports the use of probiotics for other health conditions as well. “Clinical studies show probiotics can reduce vaginal discharge or itching due to yeast infections and can also support a stronger immune system.
One study showed that a high potency of Lactobacillus acidophilus administered for three weeks demonstrated positive immune benefits. “Emerging research has also confirmed that probiotics are beneficial for skin conditions such as eczema and acne. The future is exciting as we discover further benefits of probiotic use. You can’t take too many probiotics. There’s no upper limit. Your body will let you know when you’ve taken too much.
Dr. Celik says: “Twenty-three studies assessed adverse outcomes with the use of probiotics and none were found. Probiotics are considered safe to take. And in my 10 years of clinical practice, I’ve never seen a patient take too many. In the event that a person does take too much, their body will let them know, usually with a short bout of diarrhea.” Only people with bad diets should consider probiotics. No supplement will make up for eating junk food.
Dr. Celik says: “A probiotic is like a multivitamin for the gut. Although people with bad diets are more prone to dysbiosis – an imbalance of ‘good’ to ‘bad’ bacteria – most people benefit from taking probiotic supplements and eating a diet rich in prebiotic-rich foods, such as fibre. Gut bacteria is affected by more than just poor nutrition and is easily destroyed by chemical pollution, alcohol, stress, and medication – things that affect almost all of us. Combining a healthy diet with a daily probiotic supplement can help support healthier digestion, a stronger immune system, and much more.”
Bacteria is bad for us. Not all bacteria is created equally. Dr. Celik says: “Many people still view bacteria as a harmful invader. We need to understand that we are bacterial beings and ‘healthy’ bacteria are our friends. They work hard to protect us from viruses, parasites, and other pathogenic organisms. Friendly bacteria help with the digestion of food and produce certain vitamins such as vitamin B12. We need a strong army of these little bugs in order to achieve optimal health.”